Dear Gretchen,
Dear Gretchen,
Senior Thesis Project | Made at CalArts | 2008
For my Senior Thesis at CalArts, I analyzed the word and phrase frequency of notes and letters that I kept hidden away in a suitcase from my childhood. I took the analyzed words and raked them into categories such as: Swear Words, Nicknames, Holidays, People, etc. From those results I built (using construction paper and glue) a series of graphs to represent those findings. I then scanned each letter and included them in the book for the reader to enjoy. I also had the honor of recieving a 2008 ADAA Print Finalist recognition for this book.
This is the suitcase full of letters that I collected through my life:

I sorted them by sender and typed them to analyze the word and phrase frequency for the letters:

And this is the 500 page book that was created after analyzing each written note:

01 Front Cover

02 Swear Words

03 People Most Mentioned + Cutesey Words

04 Animals + Days of the Week

05 Slang + Name Calling

06 Abbreviations + Holidays

07 Top Verbs + Time of Day

08 Colors + Top Adjectives

09 Emotions + Hello & Goodbye

10 Process Image Spread
A sample of letter documentation:
(there are 175 in the book - 37,402 words)